How to Remove Waterproof Mascara at Home Safely?

Darmaan Singh Rawat
5 min readSep 7, 2021

Stocking summer, humid weather, and emotional eyes create inseparable love for waterproof mascara, after all, who on earth in the 21st century dares to take a chance with a pesky non-waterproof mascara that can leave you with raccoon eyes any time without notifying you. Thankfully! Waterproof mascara is such a blessing; it allows us to have fun without hiding happy tears. But, Yes! It’s important to know how to remove waterproof mascara at home safely.

Yeah! These little goodies give us long, glossy, and gorgeous curly eyelashes instantly to flaunt throughout the day. But, become stubborn when we want it to get off. I think! Waterproof mascara falls in love with your beautiful eyelashes and wants to be with you forever. Whoa! But, If you are more into love-struck that lasts for a day without any damage to your eyelashes and skin around the eyes, consider using the best Covergirl mascara, it’s easy to remove and gives you longer & beautiful eyelashes.

So, first of all. You need to remember that you don’t need to be harsh to remove waterproof mascara, It’s extremely stubborn and won’t go with normal face wash or rubbing with a cotton cloth, and do even worse, it can cause to shed your eyelashes and damages your skin around the eyes that lead to bruising, skin irritation and dark circles.

I’m sure you love having your eyes without dark circles. That’s why I have compiled some of the best & easy ways to remove waterproof mascara at home. Ohh..! I guess. It’s time to get you acquainted with the best products and ways to remove waterproof mascara at home. Get ready to walk through with me.

3 Easy Ways Remove Waterproof Mascara at Home Safely

You‘re Welcome! To learn the best methods to remove waterproof mascara. It indicates how much love & care you have for your skin. Our skin around the eyes is more sensitive than the rest of the face and prone to get damaged easily. Now! Say no to pesky methods of removing waterproof mascara that damages small veins in your eyelids, and brings you obnoxious dark circles. Say hello! To the easiest & gentle methods of how to remove waterproof mascara at home.

1. Natural Oils

How about giving your eyelids & eyelashes a treat with robust nutrients while removing your head-strong waterproof mascara. Seems amusing! You can use any natural oil of your choice such as coconut, castor, and olive oil, all of these are infused with anti-bacterial & anti-inflammation properties and a high amount of fatty acids to keep your skin healthy and nourished, and remove dirt, impurities, and makeup miraculously.

I have been using natural oil to get rid of my stubborn makeup for years, and it never fails me to give astonishing results. Smudge-proof kajal is the hardest makeup to get off, but with natural oil, even kajal relents and gets off easily from my eyes. If you are also a big fan of kohl eyes, I recommend using the best drugstore pencil eyeliner, because it’s smudge-proof, dermatologist-tested, and suitable for sensitive eyes. Ohh… I lost my way. Let me get back to my way quickly to teach you how to remove waterproof mascara with coconut, castor, or olive oil.

Follow these easy steps to wipe off waterproof mascara with natural oils:

  1. Take some drops of olive, coconut, or castor oil whichever you want, and massage it on your eyelashes softly and gently, if you have worn other eye makeup to apply it and massage gently on your eyelids.
  2. Keep your eyes closed while doing this and leave it on your skin & eyelashes for 5 minutes.
  3. Now take a cotton pad or ball and gently remove mascara and eye makeup.
  4. If still there is makeup left, pour some drop of natural oil on the cotton ball and remove it gently.
  5. Wash your face and moisturize

2. Micellar Water

Hey! You’re at the right place to look for the best product to remove waterproof mascara. Because I’m obsessed with makeup, and it requires removing existing makeup before, I try new ones. So, I’m pretty familiar with the products that help to remove makeup with ease. And, my best product for removing stubborn mascara goes to micellar water.

Micellar water contains an amazing anti-inflammatory and gentle formula to wipe out makeup with ease. It’s better than normal water and using any soap or face wash to strip off skin hydration with makeup. Because micellar water works like a magnet that draws out all the impurities, dust, and makeup from your skin and leaves the hydrating and moisturized. I’m sure, I have successfully cleared up your doubt, “ does micellar water remove waterproof mascara or not?

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Follow these simple steps to remove mascara with micellar water:

  1. Pour some micellar water on a cotton pad.
  2. Close your eyes and gently rub the cotton on your eyelids and eyelashes.
  3. You can take one more cotton pad with micellar water to gently rub your eyelashes between the cotton pad with your fingers to make sure, mascara has gone completely off.
  4. Wash your face with cool water.
  5. Apply moisturizer on the skin.

3. Cold Cream

Don’t like greasy cold creams? Well, You‘re underestimating their potential to remove your makeup and waterproof mascara effortlessly. Cold creams make stubborn mascara lose its clinging power and pull them off easily. So let me tell you how to make the most out of your cold cream.

Follow these simple steps to remove mascara with cold cream:

  1. Massage your eyelids and eyelashes with cold cream.
  2. Take a cotton pad and wipe out our eye makeup gently.
  3. Repeat the same process in case of mascara hasn’t got off completely.
  4. Wash your face and moisturize.

In this article, I have shared some of the best ways of how to remove waterproof mascara at home safely with ease. I hope you loved reading our article and use these gentle ways to remove your mascara.



Darmaan Singh Rawat

I am passionate about fitness, sports and fashion. I will share tips of a happy lifestyle and events happening in the world.